Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lucas's 6 months to-be Milestones

I guess I've missed out Lucas's development when I had to totally isolate myself from my family for the past week. Lucas's rough motor-skills have definitely improved by tons, as he can gradually control his hands and fingers over his toys and other items that interests him. Here's a video that I captured today when we were at Gurney Plaza this afternoon. And oh yes! He concentrates intensely also :p

Aside from his rough motor-skills, Lucas is now seeking for more attention. He doesn't like to be left alone - so, he will be making noise and calling out for attention whenever he is being left to play alone on his playmat. And Shawn had been really sweet at devoting his care and attention for his little brother, and at the same time helping out our maid in baby-sitting his baby brother whenever he's done with his homework and at play.

As for physical developments, Lucas can now almost on all 4 - ahem... all 4 means his 2 hands and 2 knees *lol*. He can "reverse" when he's laying on his stomach, and he "reverses" whenever he props himself on all 4 and hit backwards. I do not have a chance to capture his video when he's doing this - will post it IF I happened to "caught" it later.

And here is how Lucas looks like now...

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