Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Passing of a Dear One...

To many of us, grandparents have always been our source of love, refuge when we are disciplined or punished by our parents, but most common of all, the place where we are mostly "spoiled".

I've lost a set of grandparents from my paternal side at a very young age, and my grand-dad from my maternal side returned to God back in Sept year 2003 on my wedding anniversary date. That demise was a devastating piece of news to me as I do have a very special bond with him and given the special title of being his favourite grand-child - I really did miss him a great deal. Even through to this date, thinking about him would bring tears to my eyes because of that special bond we had. Now, I only left a grand-ma from my maternal side as my last surviving grandparent.

As for Nick's (my dear hubby), I had not met his paternal grandparents before because they had passed on before I got to know him. Leaving his set of maternal grandparents as the pair of grandparents that I bonded very well with before and after I got married to him as they are so close to my own set of maternal grandparents. But his maternal grand-dad left us back in Nov year 2002 when I was still in Guangzhou, it was a blow to me as I remembered I was crying and calling up the airlines to get the earliest flight home at the same time.

Late yesterday I got the news that Nick's last surviving grandparent had passed on. Nick's grand-ma has that special place in his heart, and I know how bad it must have wreak his heart getting the news. We were both still working when we got the news. But due to tight deadlines and criticality of our work commitments, we did not take off immediately. Nick still work till almost 7.00pm, while I stayed till almost 10.00pm at the office to clear up all my urgent lot before I disappear for the rest of the week.

Nick was holding on very well throughout yesterday, so have I. But, both of us broke-down early today crying profusely over the news and over the reality of Nick has lost the last and dearest grand-ma and that made me lost my grand-ma-in-law too.

To our dearest Ah-Mah, though you have returned to the Lord, but you will be dearly missed, remembered fondly and live on in our hearts... love always...